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Do you hate doing your bookwork? 

Do you struggle with the GST?

Would you like someone to do the bookwork for you?


We can help you!

If you live in the Mid North of South Australia then we can work with you on farm, or if you live further afield then we can help by using team viewer to work with you on your computer remotely.

Our fully trained farm secretaries can travel to your business regularly to update your books or they can help using remote access or Phoenix Live. They can bring their laptop so it isn't necessary for you to even own the software. We can also enter the data on your computer for you. 
We use Phoenix Financial and can produce a BAS print out each month or quarter and as a registered BAS Agent we can help you to lodge your BAS. 


Contact Nikki for more information

Secretarial Service: About

(08) 8847 2310 - 0419 831 178

PO Box 490 Riverton SA 5412

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